When decorating your home, there are thousands of styles of window treatments to consider. This can be a daunting task, so to help make your decision easier, we've pulled together some descriptions of different types of window treatments.
Posted by Allison Fierce on Feb 26, 2016 12:30:00 AM
When decorating your home, there are thousands of styles of window treatments to consider. This can be a daunting task, so to help make your decision easier, we've pulled together some descriptions of different types of window treatments.
Topics: tips, interior design
Posted by Megan Keisling on Feb 5, 2016 3:27:39 PM
There's just something about gathering in a living room with our family at the end of a long hard day. It's a central space in our home where good conversations take place and we are free to relax. Because this area is a vital part of our homes, it's important that we take the time to make our living spaces comfortable places where we can unwind and recharge. If you are in need of some ideas for how to make your space more comfortable, we've pulled together some of our favorite living spaces to provide some inspiration.
Topics: interior design, inspiration, online boutique
Posted by Allison Fierce on Jan 29, 2016 11:00:00 AM
When it comes to designing a kitchen, there are many considerations: cabinetry, backsplashes, countertops, plumbing fixtures and lighting, not to mention appliances and layout.
Topics: tips, interior design
Posted by Allison Fierce on Jan 14, 2016 11:30:00 AM
When it comes to creating a new home, there are many people involved on the overall team: homeowner, builder, landscape designer, contractors, and more. And then there are the architect and interior designer. These two roles typically take the lead in creating and executing the overall vision of the homeowner. But with both working on the vision, understanding how these two jobs are different can make creating your new home easier.
Topics: tips, interior design
Posted by Allison Fierce on Jan 7, 2016 5:30:00 PM
In many areas, the cold days of winter have set in. The holiday decorations have come down, leaving some to feel like their homes are bare and empty. But your home doesn't need to feel as depressing as the upcoming dreary winter days. With the holidays over, there are still ways to embrace your home throughout the winter months.
Posted by Allison Fierce on Dec 17, 2015 12:00:00 PM
This time of year, our homes tend to be filled with friends and family. Some pop over to enjoy a meal from the neighborhood, others travel many miles and spend several days with us. For those that will be staying with you a few days or more, it's important to create inviting spaces for them to enjoy.
Topics: interior design, inspiration
Posted by Allison Fierce on Dec 8, 2015 10:19:57 AM
We at Postcard from Paris are excitedly counting down the days till Christmas! To share the holiday spirit, we are celebrating with 12 Days of SALES, highlighting a different genre of product each day for 25% off. So naughty or nice, make sure you check our Sales list twice, and shop Postcard from Paris for your Christmas needs!
Topics: holidays
Posted by Allison Fierce on Dec 3, 2015 11:30:00 AM
Wallpaper. The very word makes some people shudder. When you think of wallpaper, you probably visualize the dated floral look that was popular several decades ago. For others, wallpaper seems scary because it feels so permanent. So unlike paint that can easily be changed. But neither of these are set in stone when it comes to wallpaper.
Wallpaper has come a long way over the last several years. Not only are there some gorgeous paper options out there now, but there are also a variety of ways to incorporate it into your home. Many of these options can be temporary. Today we'll share various ways you can incorporate wallpaper into your home along with some beautiful wallpaper inspiration.
Topics: tips, interior design
Posted by Allison Fierce on Nov 26, 2015 9:30:00 AM
The holidays are a special time of year, filled with decorations, gift-giving, and time spent with friends and family. But it can also be a stressful time of year for some of us. The pressure to get everything done, including your decorations, can sometimes be overwhelming. While you want to fill your home with holiday cheer, you may not have a lot of extra time and energy to go all out with your decorating. The good news is, you don't have to. Simple touches of holiday decor can be just as beautiful as a home filled to the brim with decorations and oftentimes even more so.
Posted by Allison Fierce on Nov 19, 2015 2:12:58 PM
When trying to plan the layouts of your home, knowing what pieces of furniture you are talking about can make the process much easier. However, not everyone knows the difference between a wardrobe and an armoire. To make this easier, we've gathered some of the frequently confused terms so that next time you plan a room you can be a furniture expert.
Topics: tips, furnishings